On Friday at about 6:00 p.m. Ethiopia time, heavy winds and rains destroyed much of Metema Camp in western Ethiopia. 

Residents are appealing for emergency assistance in their flooded homes.

The best way to send donations for the camp disaster is via this GoFundMe:  https://www.gofundme.com/f/emergency-relief-eritrean-refugees
Below is background information about the camp, which has grown rapidly following the war in neighbouring Sudan.

Source: UN Ocha

ANALYSIS (6 months ago)

Situation Update #34 The Impact of the Situation in Sudan on Ethiopia


  • Over 91,500 people entered Ethiopia from Sudan since April;
  • More than 9,000 refugees received food assistance in Kurmuk transit center as of 3 November;
  • Food assistance for people across Ethiopia resumes as of 14 November;
  • At least 18 cholera cases have been reported in Metema Woreda between the last 8-21 days;
  • Partners continue with water and sanitation assistance, face challenges in meeting water and latrine allocations due to funding constraints.


As of 14 November 2023, over 91,500 people entered Ethiopia since the onset of the ongoing crisis in neighboring Sudan in April. Crossings have been made through various border points of entry (PoE), but mainly at the Metema – West Gondar Zone, and the Kurmuk – Assosa Zone in the regions of Amhara and Benishangul Gumz, respectively. Ethiopian returnees, so far, represent the greater percentage of arrivals currently standing at 43 per cent, followed by Sudanese nationals at 39 per cent, and third country nationals at 18 per cent. A slight increase by close to a total of 1,000 people in the week following up to 8 November as compared to the previous week has been observed.


Partners’ operations have been affected by current limited cash availability faced by banks in the West Gondar Zone’s capital, Gendawuha. To address such operational challenges, partners are considering processing operational cash advances from Gondar (193km away). Accordingly, arrivals are also receiving onward transportation assistance (OTA) from Gondar.


About 190 children are enrolled in a new Education in Emergencies (EIE) programme (grade 1 classes) at the Kurmuk transit center, in Benishangul Gumz.


Food distribution resumed in Kurmuk in early November with over 9,000 arrivals having received food assistance at both the transit center and those residing within host communities as of 03 November. Moreover, about 6,400 people received food assistance in the form of firewood for cooking. Kurmuk currently hosts more than 16,000 people.

At Metema PoE, arrivals have concerningly been receiving limited food assistance (high energy biscuits) with the support of the Ethiopian Disaster Risk Management Commission (DRMC) for several months since the cessation of hot meal assistance in July by two humanitarian partners due to fund constraints. Positively, the US Government has recently (14 November) announced the resumption of food assistance to all Ethiopians across the country following implementation of comprehensive measures to ensure food reaches those in need. The immediate commencement of food distributions to non-refugees at PoEs is essential to ensure the safety and dignity of affected people.

Health and nutrition

In Amhara arrivals continue to receive medical screening and consultations. Accordingly, 324 patients at the Metema transit center and 553 (including from nearby host communities) at the Kumer settlement received consultations in early November. Referrals to nutrition treatment are also being made for moderate malnutrition cases.

At least 18 cholera cases have been reported in Metema Woreda between the last 8-21 days, with a compounded figure of 579 cases in the Woreda as of 16 November(1). Cholera cases were first reported in the Amhara region in July 2023.

Psychological First Aid (PFA) is also among health services being provided in Metema. In the previous week, close to 120 people received PFA to address immediate psychosocial needs, while over 60 received sexual and reproductive health services as well as counselling on birth preparedness for expecting mothers. Partners continue to support the EPHI in conducting medical screenings at the Metema PoE.


In the first week of November over 1,200 children engaged in indoor and outdoor learning and playing activities at child-friendly spaces (CFS) at the Kurmuk transit center in Benishangul Gumz, as well as Kumer site and Metema transit center in Amhara. At the sites in Amhara, vulnerable adults and children (currently close to 800) with special needs are receiving support with non-food items.


In Metema, Ethiopian returnees are receiving support with regards to accommodation – 208 people in the first week of November. The Awlala site has recently been constructed and equipped with the necessary basic infrastructure/services ready to receive arrivals. However, the relocation of refugees and asylum seekers to Awlala is reportedly delayed until security measures are in place: with deployment of new security officers. This situation prolongs the congested conditions at the Metema PoE.


In Benishangul, at the Kurmuk transit center, people receive daily 10 litres of water per person, and 12 litres at Sherkole refugee camp where some new arrivals are hosted. Fifty-six (56) people access one latrine in Kurmuk which remains under the one latrine for 50 people standard. A recently constructed pair of latrine blocks with four seats at the Sherkole camp allows for narrowing the gap in latrine access. Mobilization of resources by partners is necessary to maintain water and latrine allocations in line with emergency standards.

In Metema, partners continue to provide potable, clean water to the PoE and regularly test water quality to ensure safe drinking water for affected populations.


US$5 million allocation from the United Nations’ Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) was approved on 4 July for life-saving assistance to new arrivals from Sudan in Ethiopia. The CERF IOM, WHO and UNHCR allocation, through implementing partners, reinforces access to basic services for a forecasted 100,000 affected people in the Kumer refugee site, Amhara, and in Kurmuk, Benishangul Gumz, in sectors of protection, emergency shelter and non-food assistance, food, WASH, health and transportation for a duration of six months.

In response to addressing the humanitarian needs inside Sudan and the complexities of mixed movements response in the region including Ethiopia, inclusive of the needs of internally displaced persons (IDPs), migrant returnees, third-country nationals, host communities, and refugees, the United Nations and partners have launched regional and country response plans in appeal for international community contributions: